Rewire the Brain…!!
We form the majority of our beliefs before age of 5 years.
As a child, it happens so innocently that we are not aware of what we are feeding our minds.
These beliefs are acquired through parents, teachers, friends, social environment, social media, and many others.
The human mind loves familiar things. It wants to move on tried and tested path. It doesn’t allow you to try something “New” to keep you “Safe”. Few of the beliefs don’t serve you, rather stop you from growing in life. These are called limiting beliefs. It is a double-edged sword. We are so blindfolded and unaware of our limiting voices, and we just don’t understand why don’t we progress.
However, humans are blessed with something called Neuroplasticity.
Its ability of the brain to rewire itself and form new neural connections throughout life.
When you think different thoughts rewiring starts. Changing your thoughts can change your beliefs and ultimately your life.
As a mature adult, now you are aware of your Thoughts and you have the power to change them. It’s a choice.
Fill up your mind with new exciting ideas, stretch your imagination, dream big.
Do come out of your comfort zone, overcome your fears and limiting beliefs, acquire new skills and live your true potential.
Because you deserve a better life…!!